Dominica Church Records 1869 to 1934

Dominica Church Records 1869 to 1934

July 12, 2017 0 By Anna Bayala

One of the most confusing things to me as a kid was understanding that Dominica was a different country than the Dominican Republic. Why is that? Well, it may have to do with my neighbor across the street that would babysit me when my grandmother had errands to run.  Somehow we got into discussing Dominica, which is where she was from. At the age of 9, I fully did not understand my own heritage as it was not something discussed until I went to live with my Dominican grandmother.

So being that my grandmother stated that we were from the Dominican Republic and we were referred to as Dominicans, this led me to believe that all Dominicans were from the Dominican Republic. Wrong! My neighbor advised me she was Dominican and she had to correct me when I said, “Oh so you are from the Dominican Republic”. She clarified that with the next few sentences by stating that no she was from Dominica. Imagine my confusion! LOL  So as usual, I hit the encyclopedia as soon as I got home.  I needed to apply logic to the mess because it made no sense that she was Dominican but not from the Dominican Republic.  I was okay after reading up on it.

So the first post I want to share on Dominica is that there are many available records for Dominica that have been digitized.  The problem is that they have not been released by the owners of the records to be viewed online. If you want this to change then you’ll have to ask the LDS who you can write to or petition to make the change.

In the meantime, visit my post called:

The records are for Saint George’s and Saint John’s Parish and run from 1869 to 1934.