Digitized Cayey Church Records in Puerto Rico

Digitized Cayey Church Records in Puerto Rico

January 25, 2019 0 By Anna Bayala

Initially, I thought that all of Cayey’s records had been broken down by FamilySearch and made available but was corrected by a cousin a few days ago. So in this cousin’s honor and cannot thank him enough, below are the church records for Cayey.

In addition, FamilySearch has listed that there are many years missing but I didn’t find that to be the case when it came to baptisms. There is a mixture of books due to the separation of Blacks and Pardos from Whites in the books which would lead an individual who is filming not to understand that there is separation of people.

Based on recent findings, Pardos is in reference to the Native Americans, however, Pardos, when translated into English, is brown. You will find references to “pardo libres“, which means free brown people or free indigenous people. You can read up on the history of the Tainos and how it came about here. The same goes for Moreno, the English translation is Black. This is to provide clarity when you see the references below.

Note that you will notice duplicate books and they are marked as “another copy”. I provided the duplication just in case the original doesn’t have a clear image, or there is a page missing, a second copy might be clearer or have the record.




