Cap-Haïtien Church Records
This weekend I have spent plenty of time publishing content that I had on hold or content I accidentally came across. I happen to come across content accidentally when researching one subject and finding another. I tend to create a document, give it a label, and then eventually come back to it. Usually I have an average of 25 things pending to post about. It seems like I can never get under 20 items. The past three days I have been publishing a lot of content. As of writing this particular post, I still have 24 items remaining that requires reading and researching. However, coming across Cap-Haïtien church records was not on the list but came across them as I was reviewing the Census information for the same city that I posted earlier this weekend.
I would like to say that I found a full collection but unfortunately, as we all known, this is the Caribbean. Many of the old documents will not survive the volatile weather that exist in the Caribbean and the same can be said for Haiti. Most people who are trying to put food on their table are not concerned with preservation of records. This is not just a Haiti issue but an issue across all of the Caribbean islands. When it comes to Cap-Haïtien church records, we are provided with a glimpse. Hopefully this glimpse will be enough to continue the research for many. The records presented here come from two different churches. The first church is Notre Dame de l’Assomption de Cap-Français. Those records will be list first below. Then the second church is Cimitière de La Fossette which only provides death records but for the same period.
Cap-Haïtien Churches
If you do not know how to read or speak French, I recommend that you open up another tab and have Google Translate ready to help you research the documentation. And if you have seen my prior posts, Cap-Haïtien was previously known as Cap-Français. The following records come from Notre Dame de l’Assomption de Cap-Français.
- 1777 to 1779 Births, Marriages, and Deaths Book (Image 5)
- 1780 to 1781 Births, Marriages, and Deaths Book (Image 292)
- 1782 to 1783 Births, Marriages, and Deaths Book (Image 5)
- 1783 to 1786 Births, Marriages, and Deaths Book (Image 204)
- 1786 to 1787 Births, Marriages, and Deaths Book (Image 431)
- 1787 to 1789 Births, Marriages, and Deaths Book (Image 561)
The following records are for Cimitière de La Fossette:
When I provide the image number, it is to assist with navigation of the images. The image number provided is always the beginning of the book. If looking for more content on Cap-Haïtien, visit the Haiti Genealogy page.