The 1803 Cap-Haïtien Census
This find seems to be the very last census take of Saint Domingue before the revolt and freedom of 1804. The 1803 Cap-Haïtien Census is one of the last great source for information during this era. Cap-Haïtien had a couple of prior names which includes Cap-Français. To read further on it in English, you review a link that I have provided in the past.
Transatlantic Slave Trade – Cap-Français
While for the English speaker may find reading the 1803 Census a little difficult. I do recommend Google Translate to help you with translating the document. After trying a few, you will get the idea on what each column contains. This is a really good census in helping to find families. This collection is a rarity so enjoy them while you can.
The images start with 161 and end with 310.
As always, if you are looking for addition Haiti posts, check out the Haiti Genealogy page.