PARES – Portal to Spain’s Archives – Part 2
So since I ended my prior post and didn’t go further into details, I’m going to explain one more piece that I didn’t elaborate when searching in PARES. You can check out my prior post at the below link. As a reminder, this entire blog works using pop-ups. Any link I provide always opens a new window and keeps the page your reading in the background or on another tab; depending on how you have your computer configured. I failed to explain one other mention in my prior post; SEO. SEO is the acronym for Search Engine Optimization. The process is used to ensure that any term or sub-term can return a record as being similar to what you asked. The most relevant always appear first.
Part 1 of PARES
So another issue that I touched upon was what to do when you get a page that tells you your request is too large. To see what that screen looks like, take a look at the below image.
Remember always use the “Atras” button and never the back button on your browser; PARES won’t operate properly. So what I do is I try two things. First, I select digitized images only (see prior post). If I get the above window again. I then use the “Atras” button to get back to the prior page and select 100 years but leaving the digitized images selected. If that works then I jot down which years I did. I go ahead and go through the records. Once done, I use the “Atras” button until I get back to the search window and enter the next 100 years and so on and so forth. Now if 100 years still give you the above image then try 50 years. When I’m all done I go back and then select the non-digitized images and go through that entire process again. The great thing is that you may come across a summary that provides enough information about your ancestor. Not only was I able to find my Teresa Cueto this way but I was also able to locate another great grandfather; Francisco Delgado and the many documents available. There is even a document of what men were in the city of San Juan or Cangrejo to protect it in Francisco’s letter to the crown. Some really cool amazing stuff can be found on your ancestors in PARES. All you need is a little patience and time sitting down thinking up terms to come across the records. Below I’m also supplying the image records of Teresa Cueto. I hope these posts have helped you understand that it’s not you but PARES.