Category: Puerto Rican Genealogy

Cemetery Records for Caguas in Puerto Rico

Familysearch has kept themselves busy converting microfilmed images into digitizes records.  Although it seems like a simple task, it really isn’t and the process is very long and requires expertise.  These records are then made available on their website. So last night before calling it a night, I saw that more records have become available…

By Anna Bayala January 26, 2017 2

Genealogy Help for All of the Caribbean

Was hoping that I would be able to post one more island before classes start for me on Monday, however my weekend proved to be too busy.  I will not be able to post again until Spring break as I’m in classes full time and studying for a certification exam. However, I failed to mentioned…

By Anna Bayala January 8, 2017 0

What To Do With Your DNA Test Kit And How To Understand It?

So now that you’ve had your DNA tested for genealogical purposes, what to do with it? One of the best free tools online that I’ve come across is GEDMatch. GEDMatch is a website that allows you to upload your DNA file, analyze it further, and provides an ability to find genetic DNA cousins who tested…

By Anna Bayala January 6, 2017 0

My 100th Post About Yabucoa Church Records Online

Take a look at the updated posted as this one is outdated & does not contain all images & corrections.   So I’m closing out 2016 with this last post which will also be my 100th post.  I wish all my family whether I know you, met you in person or met you virtually a…

By Anna Bayala January 1, 2017 0

Digitized Yauco Church Records Available Online

This post has been updated on July 4th, 2017 and includes all records for Yauco Yauco is where I have many DNA cousins from.  I don’t know how but they are there.  I suspect these cousins come from the Caguas region and migrated to this part of the island over time.  The one thing I…

By Anna Bayala January 1, 2017 0

San Blas de Coamo Church Records Available Online – Digitized

When I initially published this post, there was only one film available with limited records. However, since that time, all church records have become available. For this reason, I have drastically updated this page which includes the many other films that are now available. In keeping with tradition, I am also changing the format to…

By Anna Bayala December 31, 2016 2