Category: Puerto Rican Genealogy

PARES – Portal to Spain’s Archives – Part 2

So since I ended my prior post and didn’t go further into details, I’m going to explain one more piece that I didn’t elaborate when searching in PARES.  You can check out my prior post at the below link.  As a reminder, this entire blog works using pop-ups.  Any link I provide always opens a…

By Anna Bayala September 12, 2015 0

PARES – Portal to Spain’s Archives

So I’m finally getting around to talking about PARES -Portal to Spain’s Archives. One of the most amazing and largest archives globally as well as one of the most difficult to navigate.  Some of their archives go back as far as the 1400s.  The archives are so vast that it is said that they have…

By Anna Bayala September 11, 2015 3

Indexing: Why You Should Help Family Search

It is truly a great resource to be able to access records, view them, search for them via indexes when we visit  I find it to be an amazing resources for all of us to be able to browse through records that would cost us thousands upon thousands of dollars as well as countless…

By Anna Bayala August 29, 2015 1

Anastacio Soiza Montanez

This record is on the death of Anastacio Soiza Montanez who passed at the age of 70 in Dos Bocas, Trujillo Alto, Puerto Rico. The cause of Anastacio’s death was cardiac arrest.  He was already a widower due to his wife’s death;  Juana Matos.  His death occurred on March 28th, 1944.  In 1944 the death…

By Anna Bayala August 15, 2015 2

The Descendants of Francisco Delgado Manso in Puerto Rico

Although I know that Francisco Delgado Manso’s father was the son of Francisco Delgado and Juana Manso de Espinosa, I purposely let them off the tree since based on PARES records, Francisco Delgado (the grandfather) was the first to come of this Delgado line to Puerto Rico in the 1500’s. If you visit PARES, you…

By Anna Bayala August 11, 2015 4

Accessing the 1884 San Lorenzo Puerto Rico Census

There is a monsoon brewing outside so I decided to write up this post while enjoying a cup of coffee. One of the amazing this about researching is that once you figure out something you always say to yourself, “That was easy! Why didn’t I think of this?!”  Now going back to when the islands…

By Anna Bayala August 8, 2015 8