Dominican Blog In Spanish But Worth Reading

July 19, 2016 0 By Anna Bayala

One of the best blogs out there about Dominican culture,our African roots and indigenous Taino culture is done by someone by the username Lemba. I’ll refer to him this way to maintain his privacy since he is known as Lemba in many DNA and ancestry communities. The name of the blog is Cultura Campesina Del Noreste Dominicano.  

Lemba also happens to be a cousin of mine. At first I didn’t realize the connection until he pointed out that I share DNA with his grandmother and grand uncle. While I knew I shared DNA with many of his family members including his grandmother, I didn’t realize he was the administrator to her DNA kit when he accepted the DNA share request on 23andMe.  Unfortunately she has passed away by the time we met.

Lemba and I do not share DNA due to recombination of our DNA. We both inherited different DNA segments, me from my maternal line and he from his paternal line. However I just so happen to inherit the same DNA segments that his grandmother carried and thereby making the connection. Had this not happened, our connection would be lost and we would not be able to connect unless via paper documentation which we are both working on to solidify our connection.

I’ve listed some of his posts that are worth reading and I’ve learned plenty from them. Note that there are many more beyond what I list below…

!Feliz Dia del Cimarron!: Celebremos hoy el dia del Cimarron! En el dia de hoy Dec 25, pero en el 1521, se formo la revuelta mas grande de Esclavos Africanos en nuestra isla de Santo Domingo; Buscando libertad mas de 40 esclavos se escaparon del ingenio…

Confirmacion de la variedad Africana entre el Dominicano: En estos tiempos con el ADN se puede analizar varios pedazos de nuestro pasado que muchas veces sufrieron perdida por causa del tiem…

Palabras de Origen Africano: Bienvenidos a esta lista viva de palabras Africanas usada por toda nuestra isla. Estas palabras la e recojido de varias fuentes, sean orales…

Nuestros Origenes Africanos: En nuestro sancocho de razas mucho de nosotros podemos decir por lo menos yo de alguna familia que tengo que sea española, canaria, francesa. Muchos de nosotros podemos recitar “mi tatarabuela era española”, y esto es muy bueno ya que tenemos una historia oral. Pero…

El Mujeriego Dominicano y sus origenes culturales: No hay fruto que nazca sin semilla, y así mismo no hay comportamientos que no nazcan sin aprenderse. La gran mayoría de nosotros cuando nos sentamos a hacer recuentos familiares al llegar al tema dos los padres, abuelos, bisabuelos, tatarabuelos, etc. nos damos cuenta que tuvieron varias…

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