Category: genealogy help

Cuba Church Indexes

The Cuba church indexes were made possible by the Cuban Genealogical Society. These indexes are an amazing way of being able to locate ancestors for those researching the island. The Cuban Genealogical Society published a quarterly Revista (magazine) beginning in 1988. To provide more context on Cuba church indexes, while provided in the opening images,…

By Anna Bayala September 5, 2022 0

Puerto Rico Transcribed Records

While I did say I was done for the weekend, I nearly forgot to post the rest of these records. I am publishing these files but will have to eventually update this post to ensure that it can be found via search engines. The way to access the files is that you click on each…

By Anna Bayala July 25, 2021 1

The Jérémie Church Records

While researching and reviewing church records for Cap-Haitien, I came across this collection of Jérémie church records. As always, I must share! Nothing worst than not being able to find records while researching ancestors. The Caribbean community is small when compared to the world and it feels great to share with many others that may…

By Anna Bayala July 25, 2021 0