Category: Puerto Rican Genealogy

Puerto Rico Census from the 1800s

If you were ever told that census records don’t exist for the 1800s then the likelihood is that the person just wasn’t aware.  One such group is FamilySearch themselves and they have the records.  I had written to them asking when would the Puerto Rico census records be digitized and uploaded.  The response I received…

By Anna Bayala August 7, 2015 59

Searching and Viewing Puerto Rico Church Records

POST UPDATED ON 7/30/2017 WITH CORRECTED LINKS Currently, a portion of Puerto Rico’s Roman Catholic Church records is available to be viewed online.  Another portion is only available by visiting the local Family History Library (FHL) near your home.  With so many locations available throughout the world, it can be an inexpensive or free way…

By Anna Bayala August 7, 2015 10

Searching and Finding Puerto Rican Civil Records for Free on FamilySearch

For those that can’t afford Ancestry monthly fees or don’t want to pay for something that you can get for free, there are other options available. Yes that is correct, FREE! If you have a free account on Ancestry, I know it must be annoying to get the little leaf for hints on an ancestor…

By Anna Bayala August 6, 2015 2

Juan Betancourt Mangual & Matea del Pilar Asencio

One of the things many women faced prior to the 1950s was the inability to support themselves. Many girls were married off young because they brought no value to bringing in sustenance other than working as a maid for a richer household. Most women had no choice but to remarry immediately or soon after their…

By Anna Bayala August 5, 2015 15

The Betancourt Mangual Children

First I want to address a question that has been asked by a few.  Why am I sharing my hard work? To answer this question well it starts with the horrible information that is floating on Ancestry. Ancestry even matched me to someone through our DNA simply because this person’s tree has my great grandparents…

By Anna Bayala August 4, 2015 5

Navigating Dominican Republic’s Archive Website ~ Immigrant Entry Database – Entradas de Inmigrantes

The last segment that I want to cover is the best of all the catalogs available on the Dominican Republic’s National Archives by far that can be found here.  I love this database because it contains people from all over the world who visited, stayed to live, or maybe have left. I have found people…

By Anna Bayala August 2, 2015 0